
Looking for design work, logos, or help with marketing tools & plans? How about a speaker for your club or conference?

Nicole has over a decade of experience as a marketing strategist focus on holistic strategy development from brand planning to digital. She has helped brands like Xbox, Microsoft, T-Mobile and Nintendo grow and mature their business. Her unique background and educational experience in design and photography has helped her communicate marketing strategies more effectively to creative teams & clients. Oh and she also runs a small farm with her husband, so why not combine those skill sets and help other fellow farmers, breeders, ranchers or general makers set up their businesses.

“While worth it, marketing and creative resources can be expensive, so I’m providing my experience and services at affordable rates. I get the most joy and satisfaction knowing I’m helping someone promote their business and fulfill their goals. I have a passion for the sustainable, local farming movement and by helping these small businesses I am helping contribute to the overall success and future of local farming.”

More details and pricing structures coming soon.

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